Every Habitat affiliate selects families based on need, the ability to pay for and maintain a house, and the willingness to partner. Rapides Habitat for Humanity accepts applications twice each year. (February and August) You MUST attend an application meeting to receive an application.
Everyone deserves a place to call home

Build Like a Woman
What is Women Build?
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Women Build
What is Women Build?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus volutpat ante mauris, in rhoncus felis suscipit a. In euismod lorem odio, ut euismod orci tempor vitae. Fusce tincidunt lorem at pharetra aliquam. Proin dictum consequat tincidunt. Donec dictum libero ante, at rhoncus purus feugiat nec.
Non-proselytizing Policy
Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliated organizations will not proselytize. Nor will HFH work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with HFH. This means that HFH will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must adhere to or convert to a particular faith or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
A brief paragraph or description of the floor plans or a small image. This can also be a list of tems displayed belowed.
Or a list of items
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Home Features
Need is defined as living in a house that is substandard, overcrowded or not affordable.
Family income is between 30-60% of median for the area. The committee does look at income and credit history.
Sweat equity is the energy and time that families bring to the Habitat ministry. Each family is required to put in 350 hours of sweat equity as part of their willingness to partner. Some of these hours are homebuyer training, but most hours are on the worksite.
How to Qualify
The Family Selection Committee conducts a preliminary review of each application via a blind process based on objective criteria. Applicants must be willing to partner with Habitat, be able to pay a mortgage, be able to maintain a home, and to demonstrate a housing need. Applicants then must undergo a credit and back ground check. The committee’s ultimate goal is to identify and select individuals who would be good partners, successful homeowners, and positive Habitat representatives in the community. Partner families must complete 350 "sweat equity" hours in building their home and in attending homeownership training classes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus volutpat ante mauris, in rhoncus felis suscipit a. In euismod lorem odio, ut euismod orci tempor vitae. Fusce tincidunt lorem at pharetra aliquam. Proin dictum consequat tincidunt. Donec dictum libero ante, at rhoncus purus feugiat nec.
Home Repair
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